
Threading the needle

Threading your needle can be tricky for some, so some options are using needle threaders or magnifying glass tools to help. You can also use a wax block to run over your thread. This will coat the thread making threading and stitching a smoother process.

Threading tips: Squeeze and pull your thread between your thumb and finger until only the very top of your thread is showing between your fingers. I usually do this in my left hand. Then take the needle in your right and place it onto the tip of the thread, you might want to give it a little wiggle to catch the thread. Once you feel you have the tip through - even slightly - carefully pinch those strands (with left hand) and gently pull through.


Knotting Thread

I go for ease when embroidering, and for me that is performing a simple knot twice on the end of my thread before stitching. Simply take the end of your thread, loop it and pop the end through the loop before pulling. Then repeat.

You may find it tricky to get the knot in the same place the first few times you do this but you will get the hang of it. If not, you can google lots of different ways to secure your thread before stitching.


Transferring your image onto fabric

When you come to working on a design, you might want to trace or draw your template first and then transfer this onto fabric. This can be done in many different ways using materials such as Stitch and Tear, Iron-on transfer paper and water soluble paper.

I recommend tracing your image directly onto the fabric using a very light nib pen or an erasable ink pen. You can then trace using a light box or a bright window. Another affordable option is tracing your design onto a light coloured tissue paper, which you can then pin flat onto your fabric. This acts as a template that you can stitch through and tear off as and when you need to.